montero healing arts
megan pilar montero

The Sleep Sanctuary Workshop
The Feng-Shui Solution for Deep, Restful Sleep
With Megan Pilar Montero
Have you tried everything from sleep meditations to sleep medications, from melatonin to getting a new bed, from acupuncture to massage and STILL struggle to sleep well through the night?
You’re not alone. Over 50 million Americans have chronic sleep issues.
There are many reasons why people have trouble sleeping but one crucial treatment that gets missed is healing your bedroom with Feng Shui.
Bedrooms can be hard to arrange and keep organized. Very often they become the most neglected room in the house.
From the Feng Shui perspective, the bedroom is considered the most important room in your home. Why?
Your bedroom affects your sleep and a good sleep is crucial to your health.
The places where we spend the most time affect us the most and we spend a third of our lives sleeping in our bedroom. While we’re busy sleeping (or trying to) our bedroom is having a big impact on our health and longevity.
According to the National Library of Medicine, “The cumulative long-term effects of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.”
If you are healing from a chronic health condition like insomnia, depression or chronic pain, bringing your bedroom into balance with Feng Shui will support your healing and recovery. All your other efforts to improve your sleep and health will be more fruitful.
Wednesday, February 19th
3:00-5:00pm Pacific Time
Cost: $50
Watch The Video To Learn More
This Workshop Might Be A Good Fit For You If:
You’re not sleeping well and have already tried things like acupuncture or other holistic or mainstream treatments.
You have chronic health issues and want to create a bedroom that supports your health and healing.
Your bedroom is a dumping ground for all your things.
Your bedroom has some unusual design features like: beams over your bed, high ceilings, sliding glass doors, or it’s an unusual shape making it hard to arrange and feel comfortable in.
You're highly sensitive and crave having a bedroom sanctuary that helps you deeply relax and be yourself.

In this workshop, you’ll learn about:
The basics for good bedroom Feng Shui to revitalize your sleep, health and intimate relationships and ‘cures’ for when the design of your bedroom breaks all the Feng Shui rules.
Common bedroom challenges that can interfere with a good sleep, deep relaxation and intimacy.
Why your bedroom shouldn’t be the dumping ground for all the things you don’t know what to do with.
How to create a bedroom that is more comfortable, nurturing, restful and healing.
If you have sleep issues, are healing from an illness, or find it challenging to create a peaceful bedroom, please join us for this workshop.

Can't make it live?
Register to get the replay.

The workshop includes my PDF
"The Sleep Sanctuary Guide: How To Create A Bedroom That Helps You Heal & Sleep Well"
Feedback from a workshop participant…
“When I took Megan Montero's Bedroom Workshop I had several insights into how my bedroom was causing sleep problems that I just hadn't seen before. Before the workshop was over I knew a few things that needed to change and Megan showed me how I could make them better. Her perspective about being in a relationship with my bedroom and my stuff has been so helpful AND I've been able to use it in other areas of my house too. My home feels more comfortable, more welcoming, and more restful as a direct result of seeing my house through Megan's eyes. I highly recommend this workshop!”-Jill Clifton
Megan Pilar Montero
Megan helps people transform their home into peaceful sanctuaries that foster good health and life balance. She’s a traditional healer in the Nahua tradition of Mexico and a Feng Shui practitioner specializing in helping people with chronic health conditions. Megan’s own journey as a highly sensitive person with chronic pain and chronic fatigue led her to her path as a healer and Feng Shui practitioner. She’s been helping people heal their homes with Feng Shui for over 20 years and lives in Santa Cruz, California.
Learn more about Megan at: